Singapore IMDA Certification
IDA and MDA have been merged in April 2016, but in October the Singapore Information and Communication Development Authority (IDA) and the Singapore Media Development Authority (MDA) formally reorganized into the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and the Government Technology Bureau ( GovTech).
The following updates are available:
1. Certificate:
IMDA will update the certificate on the system, but it has no effect on the previously obtained IDA certificate;
Starting in October, all certificates will be issued by IMDA.
2. About label:
All products certified on October 1st must comply with the new label requirements;
Products that were certified before October 2016 can continue to use the old label.
The specific update is as follows, from the original IDA to IMDA, the other unchanged;
The new label requirements are as follows:
1. IDA: the Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore;
2. MDA: the Media Development Authority of Singapore;
3. IMDA: the Info-communications Media Development Authority of Singapore;
4. GovTech: the Government Technology Agency